Discover Ingmarsö
On Ingmarsö is the relaxing archipelago idyll and the living archipelago. Here you lie protected from all winds, and we have places by the boom, on the buoy, for anchors and two long side places. Our newly built and fresh showers and WC - as well as Wifi, barbecue area and map of the island - are included in the port fee. Drinking water, sauna, washing machine, shore power and bicycles are available for a fee. Garbage is sorted and left at the garbage station behind the port office.
Unsorted garbage bag can be left for a fee, SEK 20.
We have about 30 spots in the guest harbor and they operate on a first come first serve basis.
Place 1,2,3,4,5 can be booked at Dockspot.
Ingmarsö comes to life in the summer but there are activities all year round for the more adventurous . With an active business community and with a preschool on the island, 200 people live here all year round. The island is only accessible by boat and once out on Ingmarsö there is quiet, secluded from the hustle and bustle of the city. Here you will find a grocery store, agriculture, wooden boatyard, museum, hiking trails through nature reserves and cultural landscapes.
The popular Ingmarsö bakery, 1 km from the guest harbor, gives you fresh rolls in the morning with wine and good food in the evening. Ingmarsö Krog, 200 meters from the guest harbor, is open all season and offers good food and a nice hangout.
Learn more about Ingmarsö
The earliest mention of Ingmarsö is in the urbarium from the year 1539; the islands four farms - Norrgård, Södergård, Västergård and Nästergård - where required to pay tax, including half a barrel of cod, to the king. The islanders of the 19th century subsisted for the most part on fishing and agriculture. As the population increased, a large part of the hay meadows were cultivated. Today, agriculture is run by grazing sheep and horses and mowing winter fodder.
There are several theories about how the island got its name. According to one of them, the name has sprung from all the lakes and inlets, "inmar" in older swedish, that once existed on the island when the sea level was several meters higher than today. Inmarsö has been transformed into Ingmarsö, which is still a lake-rich island with Storträsk, Lillträsk, Bergmar and Maren. The schoolhouse was inaugurated in 1901 and the store was opened in 1887. The school and the store are still open all year round and today the island's youngest children go to preschool in the schoolhouse.
The mission house was built by the islanders in 1904 and is still used today.
Ingmarsö today
Ingmarsö is located in Österåker municipality, Stockholm's archipelago. Around 170 resident islanders live here all year round and many part-time residents. In the summer, about 2,500 people live on the island and many boat visitors disembark during the day. Ingmarsö is an active archipelago island with the aforementioned preschool, a library, grocery store, restaurant, B&B and an active association life all year round. In the rural area Lurkan you meet all year round for various events, including Ingmarsödagen, film premieres and music festivals. In addition to craftsmen and shipyards and shipping companies, there is also vegetable growing, bakery, craft shop and many more industries on the island.
Nature and hiking tips
Ingmarsö has a genuine archipelago environment with archipelago villages, harbor bays and older cultural landscapes. The village of Norrgården is located in the middle of the island and is a traditional archipelago settlement. The property, of about 30 hectares, is one of Ingmarsö's largest. Norrgården's nature and cultural environment is well preserved and there are fields that have been used for more than 400 years and an inviting courtyard. Viktoria and August Johansson, born around 1880, were the last to live on Norrgården's land. Today, the farm is owned by a foundation whose purpose is to preserve cultural environments, natural values and landscape.
On Norrgården's lands there are beautiful hiking trails, which among other things lead around the source lake Storträsk and to a bathing place at Femsund. The forests are stroll-friendly and consist of Hällmarks pine forest, old coniferous forest and lush deciduous forest. Lillträsk is a forest star surrounded by pine moss and really magical natural forest in the spirit of John Bauer, so here Princess Tuvstarr has a home. There also grows silage hair and squat frame, and in the forest the orchid is rooted. In autumn, the bog shines red with cranberries.
Farthest east on Ingmarsö you will find a completely undeveloped part of the island called Kålgårdsön. Here is a marked hiking trail and a boat trail that continues all the way to Finnhamn's nature reserve. Kålgårdsön has such great value for the active outdoor life that the county administrative board has designated it as a nature reserve.
On the way from central Ingmarsö to Kålgårdsön you pass restored pastures at Femsund. If you walk through the pasture in May, you will be met by hundreds of flowering Adam and Eve. Like all other orchids, it is protected. The vast Blötängen at Stora Kastet is usually grazed by gut sheep. Then the path goes past some lovely slabs at the water's edge.
Where the path passes the outlet to the small lake Päran, there is a small but very species-rich beach meadow, where both the rare marsh sprout and the meadow flower bloom in June. The path on Kålgårdsön is varied and goes through Hällmarkstallskog, former arable land, past Bockviken's bathing cliffs and through dense forest. The path leads to a well-hidden glade at Skummelvass with old apple trees and pasture flora.
See and do
The island can be discovered in many ways, there are wide walking and cycling paths, hiking trails, and the waters around the island are suitable for kayaking. Farthest east on Ingmarsö is an undeveloped part of the island, the nature reserve Kålgårdsön. Here is a marked hiking trail that continues all the way to Finnhamn's nature reserve. The trail is called the boat hobo trail because you can, via Kålgårdsön, take the rowing boat over to Finnhamn.
Fine cycling and hiking tours are also available from southern Ingmarsö west through Brottö's cultural landscape.
At Norrgården you will find Ingmarsö-Brottö local history museum where you can learn more about the island's history from the 10th century until today. Here you can read diaries and newspaper articles about Ingmarsö in the past.
Cycle or walk to the bath in Femsund, to the east. On the way you pass Bygdegården Lurkan.
Back in the guest harbor you can use the sauna. At the school there are swings, a football pitch and a slide for children with legs that are full of running. Swings are also available at Bygdegården Lurkan. Kayak rental is available on Norra Ingmarsö.